Tuesday, December 1, 2015

HCDE Seminar Series: "Reflection and its Relevance to Engineering Education and Human-Centered Design, " a talk by Jennifer Turns

Reflection and its Relevance to Engineering Education and Human-Centered DesignJENNIFER TURNS, HCDE PROFESSOR
DECEMBER 2, 2015
4:30—5:20 P.M.
Reflecting, or exploring the meaning of experiences and the consequences of the meanings for future action, is a form of thinking that warrants greater attention. Reflection can be a means to improve performance, achieve goals, and even grapple with what one scholar (Robert Kegan) calls “the mental demands of modern life.” In this talk, Dr. Turns will discuss efforts to operationalize, understand, and support reflection. As part of this, she will describe the activities of the recently funded Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education (a consortium of twelve higher education institutions). She will also focus on how reflection connects to human-centered design and HCI, and particularly the design opportunities that are related to reflection.
About Jennifer Turns
Dr. Jennifer Turns is a professor in the department of Human Centered Design & Engineering and co-director of the Consortium to Promote Reflection in Engineering Education. She researches primarily in the field of engineering education. She currently focuses on supporting reflection on experience and creating more connections between research and practice. Turns’ thought-provoking and innovative research makes her one of the most highly respected specialists in the engineering education field.