Thursday, September 26, 2013

Submarine Tour for STEM Students

Welcome Back!
We have an outstanding opportunity to see a modern application of Science and Engineering. Brendan and Kristine are Officer recruiters for the US Navy and have arranged for a tour of one of the most secure platforms in the world.  Ballistic Missile Submarines operate in complete silence in the middle of the ocean, away from the prying eyes of potential adversaries.  These massive vessels, 560 feet long displacing 18,750 tons, are Nuclear Powered and the officers onboard are trained Nuclear Plant managers and Submarine Operators, some within one year of graduating college.
The trip will start with a meeting at the Navy Office located at 15th and 42nd at 7:30 am on October 24th.  From there you will receive transportation to the Bangor Submarine base and begin the tour of the base and submarine.  Lunch is not provided, but will cost $3.65, and it is good food!  Expect to return to campus by 5:00 pm.
To be eligible, you must:
- Have US Citizenship
- Have completed or are in the process of taking the engineering physics and calculus series. 
- Be able to meet with Brendan or Kristine *prior to the tour. No obligation required.  Their office is on 42nd and 15th, near MOD Pizza.
- Respond no later than October 7th