SLN: 20783, MWF 2:30-3:20 IN EEB 003
Course Instructor: Arka Majumdar (
The 21st century has rightly been called the information age, as advances in computation have
resulted in an explosion in the amount of information created and communicated on a daily basis.
However, current information technology is reaching a limit in terms of speed and power
consumption, and need for new devices (electronic and optical) is apparent. Nanotechnology
holds the key to further this innovation. Along with information technology, nanotechnology
plays an important role in energy science and the health care.
In this course, you will learn scientific concepts (electromagnetics, semiconductor physics and
quantum mechanics) to understand emerging nano-electronic and nano-photonic devices. Along
with mathematical techniques, you will learn about nanotechnology via literature survey,
problem solving and numerical simulations