January 23- 24, 2013, Hotel Hyundai Mokpo, Korea
Challenge CORE 2013
The 2013
International Capstone Design Contest on Renewable Energy Technology (CORE 2013)
will be held on 23 to 24 January in Mokpo, Korea which is organized by the Leaders
in Industry-university Cooperation (LINC), Mokpo National University, Korea. This
is the 2nd CORE that began in Mokpo in February, 2012. CORE has
inspired undergraduate students with creativity, integrity and team works.
Consequently, the objective of CORE is to provide students an opportunity to
exchange the state-of the art energy information, strengthen the social
networks and display innovative ideas, research results and practical experiences
in renewable energy technology field. We would invite students to submit a high
quality proposal for reviews and explore beautiful Mokpo in Korea.
CORE 2013 Scope
We solicit
proposals with creative notion and feasible applications in the renewable
energy technology. Topics within the scope of the CORE include the following
areas, but not limited to:
Solar energy
Tidal power
Ocean energy
Wind power
Proposal Submission
students are invited to submit a two pages length proposal no later than December 21, 2012. Complete the
attached proposal form and return it to Ms. Hyangmi Kim, hyangmi@cagency.com.
The CORE Organizers will review the contributed proposal and notify students of
review results on December 27, 2012.
English will be used for all presentations and materials. Poster sample will be
provided later. For more inquiries, contact Ms. Hyangmi Kim,
Benefit of Accepted Proposals
Organizers will support a round trip air ticket and hotel accommodations to a
student with the accepted proposal. In case more than one proposal is selected
out of the university of the student, we will provide the same supports to its
supervisor as well.
Evaluation and Capstone Winner
Students of
accepted proposals will bring in prototypes and posters including a brief
outline. They will make a presentation of their works in front of referees from
academics and industries. The review committee will evaluate their works in
creativity and innovation, relevance of renewal energy, utility and
feasibility, and communication skills (e.g. presentation and materials preparation).
A winner of best capstone design will be awarded a gift and a certificate.
CORE 2013 Secretariat
For foreign
students, contact below; For
Korean students, contact below;
Ms. Hyangmi Kim Ms.
Eunju Park
Phone: +82 2
717-3280 Phone:
+82 61 450 6408
hyangmi@cagency.com Email:
For more information, please contact Kyoungho Choi, khchoimokpo@gmail.com, a Visiting Professor at UWEE.