I'm writing to make you aware of two courses we offer that may be of interest to your students:
BIOEN 492 Surface Analysis, taught in the spring by Buddy Ratner
BIOEN 493, Advanced Surface Analysis, taught in the winter by Dave Castner.
Please note that there are graduate versions of both courses (592/593).
(If the scheduling sounds backwards: right! A student who wants to do
both should take 492 spring junior year, then 493 winter of senior year.
Don't think I haven't tried to change the schedule... :) )
The syllabus for BIOEN 492 is at http://depts.washington.edu/bioe/education/course-syllabi.html.
Students who believe that they have covered that material in other
classes should contact Dr. Castner directly to enroll in BIOEN 493 this
winter. castner@uw.edu.