Monday, September 28, 2015

Undergrad Specialist in Embedded Programming

We are a physics lab that specializes in advanced x-ray instrumentation and its use in research in multiple fields, including: battery research, environmental remediation, plasma physics, and fundamental studies of the photon-atom interaction.  As part of an ongoing project to develop high-quality, inexpensive x-ray cameras we are searching for an undergraduate CSE or EE major to help develop a CMOS-based x-ray camera as a critical component of a new type of soft x-ray spectrometer which we anticipate would have high impact in studies in the geosciences and in metallo-organic chemistry.

The work will mainly consist of (1) developing a device driver and firmware to interface an ARM-based single board computer with a CMOS sensor and (2) developing a client-server application to analyze the camera’s data stream in real time on a remote machine. A small amount of hardware work may also be involved.  We are interested in candidates with experience in kernel or embedded systems programming. The candidate should be familiar with C and assembly, and with using Unix-like operating systems. Experience with printed circuit board design and hardware debugging is helpful but not necessary. Please send a resume and/or a short description of your skill set and relevant project portfolio to Prof. Jerry Seidler, , to  schedule an interview.  We anticipate holding interviews in the first two weeks of classes and getting started very quickly.

The position will be an hourly undergraduate assistant position for 10-15 hours per week, as needed to make steady progress.  The pay rate is negotiable but will not be less than $13/hour.