"I am a scientist and I play one on TV"
Jennifer Gardy, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
BC Centre for Disease Control
Vancouver, BC
Thursday, Feb 19th, 2015, 5:00-6:00pm
Health Sciences Building, Room T-747
Refreshments Provided
After completing a PhD in microbial genomics, Dr. Gardy followed the
“traditional” path, ultimately getting a faculty position, though based at
BC’s Centre for Disease Control, where her work combines genomics with
infectious disease epidemiology. When not fulfilling her childhood dream of
being Dustin Hoffman in Outbreak, she does science documentary television.
Dr. Gardy regularly hosts documentaries for Canada’s public broadcaster and
also guest-hosts a nightly science magazine on Discovery Chanel Canada
called Daily Planet. She spends about 75% of her time doing science, 24%
talking about it on TV, and 1% talking about how to become a person who
talks about science.
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