We’ve been actively looking for an electrical
engineer and have a project going on right now with Samsung and could
really use some help. We’ve never had an electrical engineer on staff
and now we really need one. If anyone is interested
in interviewing with us, we are a great local company that is growing
fast here in South Seattle. Feel free to contact me directly to
discuss. This is a great opportunity for someone. You can see one of
the products we need help with at
This is just one of many products where an EE with solid skills could be a huge asset for us.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
David Wilkinson
National Products, Inc | RAM Mounting Systems
O: 206-763-8361 | C: 206-228-8585 | F: 206-763-9615
Dave.Wilkinson@rammount.com | www.rammount.com