HCDE 313 (Introduction to User Research) is a new 5
credit - W course - taught by HCDE Professor Jennifer Turns in Autumn
2012. This interdisciplinary course will serve all COE departments and
provide students with an educational research
experience that is unique to UW.
This course will introduce user research methods,
how to apply them to engineering design problems, and how to effectively
communicate the results of user research. This course has two
lectures weekly, as well as one quiz section. Throughout
the quarter you will be introduced to a variety of user research
methods, including interviews, surveys, and field research. Quiz
sections will include hands-on workshops, and time for you to work on
homework assignments. We will study samples of each of these
methods, and review the circumstances that are appropriate for each
method. In addition, we’ll discuss the process one follows when
conducting research such as selecting research sites, sampling, and
interacting with study subjects. We will also talk about
ways to convey user research in ways that are effective and
informative. Finally, we’ll discuss issues of research ethics.
HCDE 313 will help COE undergraduates become
prepared for successful workplace interactions, teaching them how to
elicit key information from subject matter experts and communicate
effectively with colleagues in multiple domains. Through
this course, students will develop both written and oral communication
skills that will allow them to talk about both theoretical and practical
aspects of social research and its application to the engineering
design process. A background in user research
will also provide students with a novel way of approaching engineering
design problems, and a skill set that can be leveraged within an
entrepreneurial context to come up with truly innovative, human-centered
engineering solutions.
Students interested in registering, please contact HCDE advisor Stephanie White,
whitesj@uw.edu, to request an add code. Add codes will be distributed until October 8th.