CEE 424A Geographic Information System (GIS)
(SLN 10597) Summer Full term
MW 10:50- 11:50am plus one additional hour
Course description from the instructor, Professor Kamal Ahmed:
CEE 424 Geographic Information System (GIS) (3 credits)
While this course is normally focused on the GIS applications for civil engineering students, the offering this summer will be modified to accommodate the needs of students form other disciplines. Lectures cover topics listed in course description (GIS applications in civil and various environments; geographic and spatial data types and acquisition considerations; data models and structures; projections and transformations; attribute-based operation, spatial operations; etc.) and labs are devoted to mastering the core of ArcGIS. By the end of the quarter, a number of guest speakers demonstrate how GIS is applied in professional applications and students prepare a class project. Guest speaker presentations and student projects in the summer offering will not be specific to civil engineering, but be related to students' background and interests. This course should be helpful for students in a variety of majors, including oceanography, geography, urban planning, geology, forestry, atmospheric science, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design and planning, and all majors within the College of the Environment.