SLN 21815 E E 400 E
M-F 430-620
EEB 054
The EE Department is excited to announce the launch of a new Senior
Capstone Design option that will feature industry-sponsored projects
performed via student teams this Winter and Spring, temporarily listed as E E 400 E for Winter 2016.
The new Capstone Innovation Partnership Program is an opportunity for our
students to understand the entire engineering product development cycle
and gain valuable project management experience. Student teams will be
responsible for organizing, scheduling, budgeting, designing,
constructing, documenting and presenting their results.
This new program offers select companies an opportunity to benefit from
the vibrant innovation culture at the University of Washington's
Department of Electrical Engineering.
Project will be system design challenges that emphasize depth of analysis
and synthesis within the scope of research areas in the department:
embedded systems, computing, communication, security, energy systems,
sensing, circuits and VLSI, nanotechnology/MEMS/photonics, robotics and
control, signal/image/video processing, and electromagnetics. The projects
will be supervised by faculty and industry mentors, and will be expected
to lead to a functional product prototype within six months.
Be on the lookout for this option at the Winter Quarter 2016 Time
Schedule, and direct any questions to Profs. Payman Arabshahi or John.
Sahr. Registration will be selective and via add-code and instructor
approval only. Get your resumes ready!