Friday, January 16, 2015

Interested in Solar Power?

Hello EE Students,

If you are interested in using your knowledge outside of the classroom in order to support the growth of solar power, then keep reading this message. If you are not interested in solar energy, then wake up!

UW Solar is a young, student driven organization that aims to increase the impact of solar energy, not only on the UW campus, but wherever we can. There is a large degree of autonomy for all members, although you will usually be assigned tasks based on your strengths. 

Our large meetings take place in Gould Hall, room 142, every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30, but depending on your subgroup meeting times may vary. 

For more information please contact:
Meghan (Outreach Lead) -

Does Solar actually work in Seattle? Yes.
Do I have to know anything about solar? No.
How many solar panels has UW Solar installed? An array on HFS Mercer Court
Is this paid? No, but it is possible to receive independent studies credits if you find a faculty to sponsor you.
What if my schedule conflicts with meeting times? We can work around it, but make sure to communicate well with you team.