The School of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Pacific invites applications for a full-time tenure track position in Computer Engineering at the Assistant Professor level, starting in August 2015. Exceptionally well-qualified candidates will be considered for higher ranks.
Candidates must have an earned Ph.D. in Computer Engineering or related field. Applicants must have knowledge of computer architectures and their design. Preferred qualifications include specialization in the field of computer systems, such as network architecture, network security, or storage architecture. The successful candidate will be committed to excellence in teaching at a predominantly undergraduate institution and dedicated to establishing a research program that engages students. Teaching responsibilities will include a variety of undergraduate courses offered by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, as well as the opportunity to develop new graduate courses in the candidate’s area of expertise. Other duties include mentoring senior capstone research projects, advising undergraduate majors, participation in departmental and university governance, and ongoing professional development. Excellent oral and written communication skills are essential.
The University of the Pacific, founded in 1851, is the first chartered institution of higher learning in California. The School of Engineering and Computer Science takes pride in providing a superior, student-centered learning environment that emphasizes close faculty-student interaction and required cooperative education. This combination of personal attention and professional practice prepares graduates who excel in the engineering profession and are qualified to pursue advanced degrees. Pacific is a residential campus, serving a primarily full-time student body. Information about the School of Engineering and Computer Science and the University may be found at
Submit a curriculum vita with educational background, teaching and professional experience, list of publications and the names of three references. Applications are submitted through Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University of the Pacific is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer, encouraging excellence through diversity.