Thursday, January 2, 2014

Science Communication Clinic | Finding Your Message | ENVIR 500A

*COMPASS Science Communication *Clinic Winter 2014 - Finding Your Message -

T Th 1:30-2:50 (1/14 through 2/6) in ACC 120 | 1 Credit C/NC

This 4-week, fast-paced workshop is designed for graduate students (2nd year or later) who are on the cusp of publishing their science and have a strong desire to get their messages out beyond the ivory tower. Students will better understand the latest research on effective science communication and engagement; learn tools for developing clear messages about complex research findings; and practice talking about what they do - and it why matters - in clear, lively terms.

This clinic is essential professional development and will fulfill the prerequisite for future clinics on engaging with the traditional and online social media in Spring 2014.

The clinic will be taught by Liz Neeley, COMPASS Assistant Director of Science.

*What is COMPASS?*

COMPASS is a non-profit dedicated to helping scientists connect themselves and their science to the wider world. By giving scientists the communication tools they need, and by bridging the worlds of science, journalism, and policy, COMPASS works to ensure that science is better understood and used by society.

Liz Neeley helps connect science and scientists across a diverse range of topics and catalyze synthesis through workshops, conference symposia, presentations and peer-reviewed papers.

*How to Apply*

Please send the attached application form to

If the application form didn't make it through as an attachment, either request one or send an email with the following information:

- Name, affiliation, degree program, expected graduation date.
- Describe your research in 100 words or less.
- What attracted you to the course (2-3 sentences)?
- What do you most hope to walk away with (2-3 sentences)?