5:00-6:30 PM
Program on the Environment Commons, Wallace Hall (ACC) 012
Free to attend. RSVP requested by Monday, December 2, 2013.
Some voices loudly decry the current middle and high school science teacher community as not in touch with the latest and greatest in STEM. Given that over 1,000 STEM majors graduate from the UW every year, shouldn’t we just slot those students who want to teach into open K-12 positions?
How hard is it to teach in the public schools anyway?
Join 4 panelists drawn from across the UW and Seattle City Schools as they share their experience and opinion on this issue of what the future of STEM learning and teaching could, and should, be inside and outside of the ivory tower.
- Rachel Finley, Science Teacher, Garfield High School
- Liz Nesbitt, Director, Masters in Science for Science Teachers Program; Curator, Burke Museum; Associate Professor, Earth & Space Sciences
- LuAnne Thompson, Director, Program on Climate Change; Professor, Oceanography
- Mark Windschitl, Professor, Science Education, College of Education