Wednesday, April 24, 2013

GPSS Upcoming Events!

Science and Policy Summit 
GPSS is also offering a series of professional opportunities for you to work with expert communication tools to develop language and practice science communication strategies while presenting your research (in any field). If you are interested in presenting a DAWG TALK or signing up for the POSTER SESSION email Kristen Hosey ( NOW. Space is limited, but there will be prizes for the best presentations, as well as light refreshments and wine at both events. Bring your friends! Presentations range from students in Law, English and Linguistics, to Earth and Space Science, Genetics and the Built Environment! These events are open to all graduate and professional students so join us!

DAWG Talks Competition
Tuesday, April 30th, 6-8pm,
Burke Room
At this event presenters will be given 10 minutes to present their research in a TED-style Talk format. Come and listen to your fellow students and researchers talk about their research over light refreshments in the Burke Museum. Vote on your favorite presenter over free wine and cookies! Interested in presenting? Submit an abstract about your talk TODAY:

Want more information? You can find more info on our facebook page here: <>

3rd Annual GPSS Science Policy Summit: Fuel for the Future
Thursday, May 2nd,
HUB Lyceum

Along with a poster session and competition with prizes awarded by FOSEP, there will be three panels discussing: Working Towards a Cure For HIV (12:30pm), Advances and Hurdles for Renewable Energy (2pm), DNA Base Pairs to Baby Bedsides (4pm) You can find more information about the speakers for each panel, and the event itself, on our facebook page here:

To sign up for this poster session, register TODAY here<>.

Can't make either but want to learn about how to talk about your research? Come to the Science Communication Workshop Tuesday, May 14th, 3:30-5pm, HUB 334 Develop your skills in the synthesis and communication of ideas, research, and other complex subject matter at the GPSS Science Communication Workshop. You don't have to be a scientist to benefit from this FREE WORKSHOP, where you will learn new ways of organizing and communicating ideas to your peers, parents, grandparents, the media and policy makers.