I am pleased
to announce our 2013 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). This
8-week summer REU program will provide selected students with the opportunity
to perform in-depth research with faculty at the University of Tennessee,
Knoxville. Students will work on various research topics based on personal
interests while guided by experienced faculty and graduate student mentors. The
Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks
(CURENT) is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center (ERC).
CURENT seeks to develop the technology to fully accommodate the future renewable
resources and power grid. This future
continent-wide grid will need to be fully monitored and dynamically controlled
in real-time for high efficiency, high reliability, low cost, better
integration of renewable energy sources, full utilization of energy storage,
and accommodation of responsive load. The specific projects for our summer REU
will focus on power systems, power electronics, cyber security, power market
structure, data visualization, power conversion, smart grid technology.
The dates for the 8-week program are May 26-July 19, 2013.
Students will receive a stipend of $4,000, up to $500 for travel expenses, and
free on-campus housing. In addition, students will attend professional
development workshops to enhance their academic experience and prepare them for
the next phase in their careers. I would like to encourage you to look at our website (http://curent.utk.edu/reu/)
for program details and requirements. Application deadline is March 22, 2013.
Thank you for your time.