The QFSUW, OMA/D, Q Center, and Career Center would like to invite you
to the 2012 Out at Work Panel. This year’s event will be taking place on
National Coming Out Day, October 11, from 11-2 in HUB 145. In addition
to our annual panel discussion, we will be hosting a professional meet
and greet for students to gain experience in professional networking and
to chat with potential employers in the Seattle area. For those who are
interested, the Career Center will be offering a networking workshop
that week in preparation for the event. Please email your name and I
will ensure you get final details once they are available.
The purpose of the event is to provide our students with an opportunity
to look forward towards establishing a career and to make informed
choices about being out in the work place. Our intention is to expose
students to established professionals who can provide insight about
their experiences and advice about how to navigate professional life and
the pitfalls that exist in a heteronormative society which employs
members of the LGBTQ community.
We are extremely excited about this year’s panelists and about the
employers who will be present to chat with students!