1. WSGC is currently accepting graduate fellowship applications from University of Washington graduate students. These fellowships provide UW awardees with a single quarter to focus solely on their doctoral research. Fellowship awardees are provide with tuition for the quarter she/he is selected for, student health insurance and a $5,000 award.
Application deadlines for Winter and Spring 2013 support is November 2, 2012.
Details may be found at the following link:
Contact nasa@uw.edu if you have additional questions.
Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium (WSGC)
2. FAA's Design Competition for Universities
I am writing to let you know that The FAA's Design Competition for Universities will again be offered for the 2012 - 2013 academic year. The Competition has been significantly expanded. As you may know, the Virginia Space Grant Consortium created and manages this competition, now in its sixth year, on behalf of the FAA. We hope you will participate in the Competition, and make colleagues and students aware as well. The Competition guidelines and many resources are posted at the Competition website:
All 2011-2012 design topics are still included. New topics have been added to the each of 2012 Design Challenge areas. In addition, two new Design Challenge areas have been added: Innovative Application of FAA Data and Electric/Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Technology.
The new Innovative Application of FAA Data design challenge challenges students to use FAA, industry, travel and airport-relevant data to develop a mobile application for use for by smart phones and tablets that is innovative and commercially viable.
The new Electric/Hybrid Electric Aircraft Technology design challenge asks students to design a regional transport aircraft that will use electric or hybrid electric propulsion and to consider the impact on airports. This is the first aircraft design challenge for the FAA design competition.
Other brand new topics by Design Challenge area are:
Airport Operation and Maintenance: Improved methods for ground traffic flow scheduling.
Airport Environmental Interactions: System level methodologies for strategic assessment of environmental interactions beginning at the airport planning phase.
Runway Safety: Safety Assessment Tools:
Mobile tools to support assessment conducted by runway safety action teams that aid in compliance evaluation as well as hazard identification and correction.
Systems analysis to determine areas of greatest risk for runway incursion and excursion in the National Airspace and proposing corrective action plans.
Airport Management and Planning: Methods for aircraft/runway interface that address issues caused by new energy efficient lighting not being visible to heat sensing, enhance flight vision systems.
The Competition's broad challenge categories embrace many engineering, science, information technology, psychology, and management disciplines. The new Innovative Application of FAA Data challenge particularly encourages designs from interdisciplinary teams.
The Competition is again open to individual and student teams at U.S. colleges and universities (both undergraduate and graduate) working under the mentorship of a faculty advisor. Winners can earn cash awards and first place winners have the opportunity and travel funds to present their design at FAA Headquarters summer 2013 and may also be sponsored to present at professional meeting relating to the students design. A notice of intent is strongly encouraged. Design submissions are due April 19, 2013.
Thanks for helping us get the word out to our Space Grant colleagues nationwide.
Please feel free to contact me or Debbie Ross (dross@odu.edu) if you have
any questions.
See you in Seattle,
Mary Sandy
Virginia Space Grant Consortium
600 Butler Farm Road, Suite 2200
Hampton, Virginia 23666
757 766-5210
3. Registration Open for NASA's Fourth Annual Lunabotics Mining Competition
NASA is challenging U.S. and international undergraduate and graduate student teams to design and build a telerobotic or autonomous excavator, called a Lunabot, that could be used on the moon. The Lunabot must be able to mine and deposit a minimum of 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of lunar simulant in 10 minutes. The scoring for the Mining Category requires teams to consider a number of design and operation factors such as dust tolerance and projection, communications, vehicle mass, energy/power required and autonomy.
Design teams must include one faculty advisor from a college or university and at least two undergraduate or graduate students. Universities may work in collaboration and multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. Selected teams will compete in the Lunabotics Mining Competition at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 20-24, 2013. Registration is limited to the first 50 approved teams. Registration is limited to one team per university campus. Internationally, registration is limited to 5 teams per country. Registration will end when NASA approves 50 applications.
The NASA EDGE video from NASA's Third Annual Lunabotics Mining Competition is available at: http://www.nasa.gov/mp4/670179main_NE00072112_39_Lunabotics_2012.mp4
For more information and to apply online, visit NASA's Lunabotics Mining Competition on the Web at www.nasa.gov/lunabotics. Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Lunabotics; watch Lunabotics videos on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/Lunabotics; and follow Lunabotics on Twitter at http://twitter.com/nasalunabotics
Susan Sawyer
REDE/Critique JV
supporting the
NASA KSC Education and External Relations
Lunabotics Mining Competition Coordinator
Mailcode: RCJV-EX-E-2
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
Voice: (321) 867-5482
Fax: (321) 867-8007
E-mail: Susan.G.Sawyer@nasa.gov
Lunabotics Mining Competition on the Web at www.nasa.gov/lunabotics
Facebook at www.facebook.com/Lunabotics
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/nasalunabotics
4. Space Florida and NanoRacks Announce International Space Station Research Competition
Space Florida, the State of Florida's spaceport authority and aerospace economic development organization, and NanoRacks, LLC, have announced a partnership to host the Space Florida International Space Station (ISS) Research Competition. As part of this program, NanoRacks will provide up to eight Payload Box Units (NanoLabs) that will fly payloads to the ISS, with scientific research that will be conducted on board the U.S. National Lab. Space Florida will cover the costs of research payload transportation to the ISS for the eight winning applicants.
To register for the competition and to view the rules and regulations, timeline, judges criteria, workshop reservations and technical support details, visit www.spaceflorida.gov/iss-research-competition.
Jaydeep Mukherjee, Ph.D
Director, NASA Florida Space Grant Consortium
Partnership 1 Building, Room 218
12354 Research Parkway
Orlando, FL 32826-0650
Tel: 407-823-6177
Fax:: 407-823-6362
5. National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition (NSSSC)...
an Opportunity for Undergraduates to Participate in a Real World Research Experience
Ask yourself the following questions:
·Are you looking for a real world design problem?
·Do you want to participate on an interdisciplinary team?
·Do you want experience with mechanical components, optics, electronics
and software?
·Are you looking for an independent study or a capstone project?
·Do you want to travel to the 'Big Sky' state?
·Do you want a chance to win scholarship and travel prizes?
If you answered yes to these questions then this competition is for you! Get your team of 3 to 6 students together and register today.
The yearly National Student Solar Spectrograph Competition (NSSSC) is
Montana Space Grant Consortium's Education and Public Outreach (EP/O) Program for NASA's Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) mission. A Spectrograph is an instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum by separating the incoming light into its characteristic frequencies of wavelengths (spectrum). Spectrographs have a wide range of complexity from simple grating or prisms to the cutting edge IRIS spectrograph.
The NSSSC provides students from across the country the opportunity
to work as part of an undergraduate interdisciplinary team to design, build and test a ground based solar spectrograph. Over the course of nine months, teams come up with their own science goals and then build an instrument to collect data in support of their goals. Teams then travel to Bozeman, MT to demonstrate their instruments and present their results in a competitive science fair environment. There are four judged categories: best build, best design, best science and best presentation. Each student on the winning teams receives a scholarship award of $3,000 and a travel award to a NASA launch.
College students interested in designing a spectrograph can now
register for the 2012-2013 competition. Build awards of $2,000 per team are available for teams that register by Sept. 30.
Comments about the NSSSC:
"NASA is in a unique position to use scientific space missions like IRIS to foster student interest in science and engineering," said Diane DeTroye, of NASA's education office in Washington, D.C. "Giving students a chance to get hands-on experience often encourages them to pursue and continue STEM studies. This helps build an important pipeline of talent for future NASA missions."
"The concept of having undergraduates design, build and test a scientific instrument is certainly unique as far as I know. This is a marvelous opportunity for young people to develop high level skills in instrument building. Using the instrument to answer science questions makes it even better. I commend and thank you for this wonderful experience. All of us will learn so much as we successfully complete this project. NSSSC provides participating students a better chance for admission to the graduate school of their choice. Also, they will receive better fellowships when they are accepted to graduate school. It will give some of them a direction for their career. I know of no other opportunity to engage in instrument design and application." - Edmond Wilson, Faculty Advisor Harding University
"The opportunity to work on a real project has been a true motivation for our students who can feel isolated at a small school with no significant research going on." - Jim Boger, Faculty Advisor Flat Head Valley Community College
The 2012-2013 Final Competition Dates are May 15-18, 2013 in Bozeman, MT. Any questions please contact Randy Larimer at rlarimer@ece.montana.edu or 406-994-6085
Registration and more information is available at http://www.spacegrant.montana.edu/iris/
Social Media Link: http://www.facebook.com/NASANS3
Thank you in advance for your consideration!
If you are not interested would you please pass this on to a student or faculty member that might be interested.
Randal M. (Randy) Larimer, P.E.
Deputy Director
Montana Space Grant Consortium
416 Cobleigh Hall, P.O. Box 173835
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717-3835