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Innovation in Cleantech + Market Opportunity = Solutions for the Planet
ENGR 498, ENVIR 495, ENTRE 443/543
Fall Quarter 2012 (2credits)
Tuesdays 4:00-5:50 pm, Savory Hall 260
Instructor: Deborah Hagen-Lukens,
No prerequisites, recommended for juniors, seniors and grad students
Unique interdisciplinary course designed for both graduate and undergraduate students focuses on what it takes to develop innovative cleantech solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges and creating exciting new business opportunities along the way. Guest speakers include top national, international and local experts in natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, business, entrepreneurial finance, policy and law. Topics include alternative energy and energy efficiencies, green building, and transportation. Students will form teams, identify an environmental problem and possible opportunities to solve it. Interested teams are invited to enter their solutions in the UW Environmental Innovation Challenge.
For information: Pam Tufts,