MGMT 490A SLN 16010 TTh 1:30-3:20 pm Cate Goethals
Women in Leadership
You see them in the media: fabulous femalees who are top executives and successful entrepreneurs and visionaries making a real difference in their communities and the world. You admire their accomplishments. But what you seldom see or hear is what these women felt like when they were your age and lacked experience. How did they get from that place to their current level of success? How have they developed effective leadership styles? Do they have children? How have they found ways to balance competing priorities?
In this class amazing local leaders will share their life and career stories to answer these questions and more. We will also learn from the stories of well-known women innovators and executives. In the process, we will:
* Interact with at least seven fantastic local leaders.
* Learn to use the leadership framework that has helped women around the world succeed.
* Create personal leadership manifestos to develop an authentic and powerful communications style
* Increase comfort level with risk-taking and negotiations
* Examine different ideas of work-life balance.
* Develop a personal career- life vision board and plan.
After taking this course, you will know how to tap into your personal leadership values and how to build onn them to create a life worthy of your aspirations.
For more information, contact Cate Goethals, Foster Lecturer in Leadership Communications and Director of the “Half the Sky” India programs.