Engaging with journalists can improve the coverage of science in the media and increase public understanding about science. The University of Washington’s Conservation of Living Systems (CLS) program is offering a Science Communication and the Media course to prepare senior graduate students with hands-on training and the skills to deliver clear, compelling messages about their work to journalists and the public. The course will culminate in an all-day workshop with some of the nation’s leading journalists who will offer their insights and expert advice.
Science Communication and the Media<https://sdb.admin.washington.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2012&SLN=13669>
Spring 2012, 2 credits (ENVIR 500A)
Mondays 1:30 - 3:30 March 26 - April 30
Also meets Friday May 11 4-5:30PM, Saturday May 12 all day, Monday May 14
*Priority application deadline is 9am Friday, February 24.* Email
applications to ademelle@uw.edu.