Be a catalyst for change and transfer your skills to citizens of developing country. Your college degree, work experience and commitment to volunteerism are necessary for the grass-roots work of the Peace Corps. You will benefit by traveling to an extraordinary place, building a competitive r�sum�, and gaining two years of hands-on international development experience. Come learn about volunteer experiences from a panel of returned volunteers who served in environmental assignments, have your questions answered by Peace Corps Representatives, and gain tips to guide you through the application process.
Thursday, February 16
5 to 6:30 p.m.
Thompson Room 125
* Optional RSVP on Facebook *
Can't make it? Stop by the Peace Corps table at the Environment Career Fair on Wednesday, February 15 from 11-3 in Mary Gates Hall or come see the UW Campus Peace Corps Representative during his office hours Mondays and Wednesdays 10-1 at the Career Center.