Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Phasing Out Letter of Recommendation File Service

The Career Center will be phasing out the Letter of Recommendation file service.  The campus based service will close completely by June 29, 2012.  

Faculty and students will now be able to utilize Interfolio, Inc. for the online management of credentials and letters of recommendation.  Interfolio is well established as the premier online credentials management service for candidates applying for graduate study or academic positions. The Career Center will be partnering with Interfolio to make this transition as seamless as possible. Interfolio's service allows students and alumni to create and manage a digital record of their credentials, including confidential and non-confidential letters of recommendation, teacher evaluations, writing samples, CVs, pre-health evaluations, and more.

Interfolio also makes the application process easier for recommendation writers:
  • Letter writers can upload their documents electronically into Interfolio's safe and secure system, or mail letters directly to Interfolio.
  • Letter writers retain access to uploaded documents. An optional free Interfolio writer's account gives access to all uploaded documents, so writers can check the status or easily make updates to documents they've written. 
  • Students / alumni can request Interfolio to mail or electronically transfers documents as part of their application process.

Reliability and Security:
  • Interfolio manually reviews every letter upon receipt and again prior to delivery to ensure accuracy and legitimacy. 
  • Letter writers can personally verify the authenticity of documents they upload electronically through writer's accounts. 
  • Interfolio is FERPA compliant and uses multiple layers of technological security to ensure that confidential documents stay that   way.  Students cannot read closed or confidential letters. 

We think faculty and your students will be very pleased with the services of Interfolio.  To learn more, or to open a free writer's account, please go to: http://www.interfolio.com/recommendationwriters/index.cfm

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Alyce Mallett at 206-543-0535 or ccsfiles@uw.edu.