Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Upcoming Event: Common Spaces Northwest

Common Spaces Northwest is a gathering for those interested or involved in various social or environmental justice issues to come together to discover commonalities, share ideas, and learn through one another. It was created by a collection of organizations and individuals from around Seattle who are interested in a wide range of issues, from labor rights to food justice to equal health and race and gender issues. Common Spaces will take the form of a three-day series of activities, on April 21st through 23rd, at the University of Washington campus.

The activities that will make up Common Spaces are submitted by a variety of individuals with a variety of interests affiliated with a variety of organizations. They range from panels and movie screenings on various social justice issues to a poetry slam, a skill share on campus organizing, an explanatory workshop on the UW budget, and a tutorial on video-editing for activists/artists. A complete list of events will soon be available on our website:

We envision Common Spaces drawing people together to learn from each other, to share experiences, to get introduced to different kinds of thinking, to become more aware of what is going on outside of their normal range of activity, and to interact with people attuned to acting against oppression. Whether you are an old-hand at organizing or someone with just recently burgeoning interest in social/environmental justice issues, this is a space for you to come, share your perspective, and learn more. Please join us and tell your friends. Note that this event is NOT JUST FOR STUDENTS, so invite off-campus friends as well.

Finally, we are still currently accepting activity submissions. To submit a workshop, please fill out the form at by Monday, April 11th. An activity could be anything you would like to share or raise discussion around in this Common Space. Our only request is that activities be as collaborative as possible.

For more information, please send questions to